Finding Own Happiness In The Happiness Of Others


What is that one thing that we all crave for in our lives? Which factor makes the base for content and satisfied life? The answer to both the question is the same. Yes, that is right!

Finding Happiness in others’ Happiness

If you are happy with the current scenario, then sky is the limit for you. Felling happy about yourself, your loved ones, friends imbibes a feeling of contentment in you as well.

Mankind has been searching for happiness since ages. Many people have failed to understand this concept and have given up on it. Happiness is something which lies inside a person. Just like the blood vessels in the human body. All we need to do is identify and apprehend it.

Happiness is vague concept. It generally comes from our own achievements and good moments. In other words we feel happy on our achievements, our children’s achievements, etc. But do you know some people believe that happiness is also connected to other people outside your family and friends.

Doing random things for strangers can actually make one happy. And that has been accepted and acknowledged by many people as well. You too can try it someday. Doing something good for a person who you hardly know and meet regularly is a great feeling.

This can also be explained as something unconditional and non-demanding. You don’t know who are benefitted by your efforts, but you know that you are good for them. For example you have donated some woolen clothes to a charity organization for kids and elderly people.

Thought you may not know the exact number and name of people who would get an opportunity to wear them. But somewhere down the line, you know that surely some people would be able to comfortably pass this winter.

So it’s about finding happiness in happiness of others. The biggest example of this can be a mother. She sacrifices a lot for her kids and in return don’t expect much. She is happy to sacrifice her favorite dress in order to save money for your play station demands.

Still she remains happy and satisfied with her life. This was just an example. There are many humanitarians in the world who are spreading this concept of happiness and love for all the human beings.

Here some steps that can bring happiness in your lives, which you can share with your family, loved ones or even strangers. The choice is up to you!

  • Smile – Make sure you smile often. Don’t search for a reason to smile. A smile costs nothing. Stay with people who can make you smile and feel good about yourself.
reason to smile

reason to smile
  • Values – Never compromise with your values. A man or woman is made up of his values. Make sure you do not sacrifice them for anything in the world. This will inculcate a feeling of achievement in you, making you happy.
  • Be Positive – My best is yet to come! Make this your tagline. Feeling positive gives you a fresh outlook towards your life and will make you a happy person. You can actually transfer your positivity to others by your actions and words.
  • Purpose – Purpose is a very important factor required by a person to stay alive. Find that purpose of your life. Make sure you definitely have one. Because a purpose life is a meaningful life. And a meaningful life will spread happiness among others as well. Failure to find a purpose leads to feelings like frustration, unhappiness, restlessness, etc.
  • Do things you like – Love yourself. Give yourself the “me time”. Pamper yourself. There is nothing bad about it. Happiness comes from within and no other person can help you in this. So in this process make sure you do things that you love. Some people love to read books, some like adventurous activities whereas some like sports activities. Keep doing things you like so that you can stay satisfied and happy
  • Acceptance – Acceptance is the key to happiness. If a person has achieved this, he is unstoppable. Accepting the things like they are. Accepting people as they are will lead to ultimate happiness. Trying to control or change the situations and people will make things difficult for you only. So try to accept what is good as well as what is bad. 
key to happiness

key to happiness
  • Push yourself – If you are looking for happiness then make sure you keep motivating yourself. Make sure you push your limits every single time. Instead of expecting others to change, you need to change yourself. So if you wish to attain the true happiness, try to improvise yourself.

Change is the only constant in this universe. The time is flying changing the dynamics intensively. You were born in an era of letters and telegrams. But today world has turned digital. Make sure you keep changing your habits and outlook according to the current times. Staying back in the old times will fill your life with sadness and frustration. Go out, make new friends and move on in your life. Happiness is the key to success!