How to Stop Being Pessimistic 10 Positive Thinking Tips

Positive Thinking Tips
Positive Thinking Tips

It is necessary that each and every human being needs to be strong-willed and courageous to face the twists and turns of life. This inner strength and courage come from Positive Thinking. It needs to be made a daily practice to have a positive approach to every difficulty. Having such an outlooks helps to inculcate a balanced way of handling success and failures.

Here are ten very significant positive thinking tips:

1. Identity the negative thoughts and wipe them away – If the house in which a person is living is to be kept neat and tidy, then the existing dirt has to be removed first. The mind is very similar to such a situation.

First one should try to control negative thoughts. This may not be possible overnight and it will not be possible to eliminate all the negative thoughts. But at least those negative factors which are causing the maximum mental blockage can be removed.

2. Build a life for oneself and other – Much of unhappiness is caused when the professional and materialistic success becomes the primary goal of life. This leads to a constant comparison and unhappiness when the desired success is not met.

There is no doubt that material success and financial security for family and self is of prime concern but this should not be at the cost of an unhappy life. There are times when one can live for others with acts of social and community service. This helps to bring about a positive mindset.

positive mindset
positive mindset

3. Develop a positive aura all around – There will be bad and good situations in life throughout. In happy situations, persons can always sustain by themselves and confidence is self-built but in adverse situations, there will creep in tendencies to think negative.

The best way to avoid this is to move about in an environment of positivity. Make it point to interact; talk and walk with people having a positive attitude and giving positive talks. Such people will always encourage and never degrade others.

4. Never lose focus – Even under the worst of the circumstances and even when facing failure upon failure, the journey to the ultimate goal should not be lost. This requires a positive mindset under all situations.

Most people tend to let go off courage when a setback happens. They start worrying and fretting with all unnecessary negativities. This should not be the way to go. For any human being, worrying has never brought a solution to the problem.

Never lose focus
Never lose focus

5. Read inspiration and success story material – Books are the constant companion of every human being. They are lifelong friends. It should be made a point to read those books which give examples of inspiration and success stories.

It should provide motivation to overcome all difficulties and setbacks. The world is replete with such success stories and courageous profiles. First of all, think positive and then one should make it a point to read such books. The story of Hellen Keller would be the best example.

6. Compliment others – While confidence in oneself is good, it is equally necessary to compliment others. This makes one feel that they are part of others success story. There is something to learn from every other person.

No matter what background they are from and what they have achieved in life. It is here that the need to compliment becomes clear. Sometimes the thing that a 10-year-old child can understand may not be understood by a head of c corporate group. In such a scenario there is nothing wrong in giving credit to that child. It only makes oneself feel more confident.

7. Let not thoughts affect and control – While it is imperative to control any form of negative thoughts, it is equally important not to get carried away by success and good goings.

An over-the-top feeling when success comes through can lead one to depression and despondency during failures. The balanced approach always wins. Hence through meditation, yoga etc. thoughts should be like a flowing river which just needs to be watched and not reacted.

8. How to think positively – Everyone wants to think positively but nobody knows where to begin from and the good old routine just continues. There needs to be breaking day someday where one has to sit down and take an iron cast decision of not bending down to

either the barriers of life or the consequent negative and laidback approach that it brings. For starters, at least one point can be taken and then it can be worked and developed.

9. Have gratitude for all things in life – It is very easy to cry over, what was never achieved and why destiny was so cruel, the if-only feeling, self-sympathy, and numerous another defeatist attitude.

The right way would be to have gratitude for the small things, the small happiness and for every ordinary day of life which goes on without a major incident. Positive thoughts begin and end in the mind and that’s about it.

10. Develop a good lifestyle – A healthy body, a pleasant face, and an ever-present smile is the precursor to all good and positive things in life. Maintaining a good lifestyle and health automatically brings over the rest of things to a full circle.

Develop a good lifestyle
Develop a good lifestyle



Every day in life and minute of life need to spend positive thought and there are no second thoughts on this. Endless materials can be written and discourses were given on positive thinking but ultimately it takes a little self-effort to achieve the same.