Good Friday 2020 : Date, Significance and History of Holy Festival

Good Friday
Good Friday

Good Friday is a Christian festival which is observed nationally and internationally on Friday. It occurs just before the Easter Sunday. This is the day when people remember Lord Jesus and the time when he was hanged on the cross. On this the Church service also concentrates on biblical accounts of Jesus’s death across the cross.

Good Friday 2020: Date of Good Friday

Good Friday will be celebrated on 10th April in the year 2020. This day will be observed as a holiday in India and abroad. Though it is not a compulsory holiday here, many people observe this day as a holiday in India.

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Good Friday 2020: History of Holy Festival

Good Friday is considered as the day when Lord Jesus was punished for being good. He was hanged to the cross because he was “Son’s God” and he has sacrificed himself for the betterment of others or more precisely the world.


It is said that Jesus died because of our sins. This day is also known as Holy, Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday or Easter Friday. It is one of the most important festival for Christians.

We all know that Jesus was crucified on this day. So, why do people celebrate this as “Good Friday”. Well, most of you might not know but “Good Friday” because actually it was known as God Friday. The term Good Friday was coined because of the term Good which actually signifies a positive sign or has a holy attribute attached to it.

On the eve of Good Friday, lord Jesus was lured by one of his followers – Judas. Judas was one of his 12 followers who kissed him and thus this act exposed to the chief priests.

Jesus was immediately arrested and then he was beaten, his clothes were torn and he was also spited upon. Later a crown of thorns was placed on his head which we still see at various places where Lord Jesus is seen on the cross.

good friday

Nails were also driven through his hands, ankles and even his wrist area. Jesus was then placed on the cross, the inscription of which read “The King of the Jews”. It is said that Jesus suffered on the cross for six long hours and finally he died.

As soon as he died the earth got a major earthquake. Post his death, the followers and disciples of Jesus carried him in secret and buried him as per the Jewish traditions. Two days later Jesus was resurrected.

In German speaking countries, Good Friday is also known as “Mourning Friday”. It is mostly referred here as Karfreitag.

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Good Friday 2020: Significance of Good Friday

It is remembered as the day when Jesus was crucified. This is the day when Lord Jesus sacrificed himself willingly for the betterment of the world. Good Friday is very soon followed by Easter Holidays.

Easter holidays have a happy and merry making vibe attached to them. Easter is celebrated as the time when Jesus was raised from the dead. This is the time when goodness won over evil and thus life was celebrated widely.

But this is an ongoing conflict that why “Good Friday” is termed as “Good”. Many scholars argue of this and refer to the “Good Friday” as “Black Friday”. As per a very popular belief “Good Friday” has coined from the term “God Friday”. but some also believe that Good Friday is good because God actually saved his own son from the sins and sadness of world and it’s affairs.

Good Friday 2020: Traditions of Good Friday

Good Friday is celebrated in different countries. And as the location varies, the tradition and celebration style also varies widely. there are quite different beliefs and stories associated with Good Friday.

Traditions of Good Friday

Let’s have a look at various ways of celebrating Good Friday in different countries –

  1. Christians in Philippines believe that lord Jesus has suffered a lot because of them. And thus they whip themselves with bloody chains and they also nail themselves to cross to experience what all Lord Jesus went through.
  2. There are many traditions which are observed on Good Friday in churches also. There is a very famous tradition that a bell is toiled 33 times to conclude the Good Friday church service. This is actually to signify each year of Jesus’s life.
  3. This tradition goes to Bermuda from 19th century wherein it is believed that flying a kite on Good Friday brings good omen to the family. Flying a kite signifies Jesus dying on the cross and he finally rose to the heaven.
  4. In Ecuador, there are two groups of men called – Cucuruchos and Ecuadorians. Cucuruchos wear purple robes and masked head dresses. Whereas Ecuadorians dress up like Christ and carry a heavy wooden log like a cross. Together they take part in the procession of penitents. This event attracts 2,50,000 crowd every year.
  5. At many places instead of “Good Friday”, “Good Wednesday” is also celebrated. Wednesday is actually more comfortable with Baptist and non protestant churches.
  6. Alcohol is strictly prohibited and thus it is missing from the Irish pubs on this day.
  7. There are many stories associated with Eggs and Good Friday. Many believe that if you collect laid eggs on Good Friday, then they will never rot in life. And many people actually collect eggs on this day just to prove this myth. Also, if you consume eggs on Easter Sunday which was laid on Good Friday. This will also reap your major health benefits.
  8. Many Christians are seen either fasting or completely abstaining from meat and alcohol on this day. Whereas at some places you will see people are consuming two – three extravagant meals on meat on this day.

Let us know what are you doing on this Good Friday and how do you observe the day? Do you believe other family members and friends or do you just attend the church service? We would love to hear back from you in the comments down below.

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– Good Friday : Best Images, Greetings, Good Friday Photos, Good Friday Wishes
– Good Friday Videos : Best Hindi Good Friday Songs

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