Wise Chanakya quotes on Life and facing problems

Chanakya quotes on Life
Chanakya quotes on Life

In 350-275 BCE Kautilya also known as Chanakya was the First ruler of Mauryan Empire, Chief advisor, Philosopher, and Prime Minister of the Indian Emperor Chandragupta. He belonged to the Brahmin caste from Northern India. Chanakya had some knowledgeable concerning in the Zoroastrianism but had well scholarly in the Vedas Literature.

Chanakya Quotes: Chanakya Kautilya an Indian Statesman

Kautilya was educated at Takahashi, also he was familiar with the characteristic of Greek and Persian learning then he begins his career as a teacher. The books of Arthashastra and Chanakya Neeti-Shastra were written by Chanakya.

The Arthashastra is a Series of detail about king Fiscal policies, welfare, war strategies, International relations, and economic status. Neeti-Shastra Explains about the epigraph collections from various Shastras.

Righteous Person

Chanakya teaches about the Different topics to interpret to the modern world. The conservation of Topic resources of Chanakya Quotes as 

  • Every Drop of water is necessary to fill the Pot.
  • A good Education is a Concentration in every session.
  • To being a rich should save every paisa.


A great philosopher Chanakya advice some points to lead successfully in life. The points of Life quotes are as follows:

  • Do Atonement alone
  • To Study with one or more person always as a company.
  • Learning of music is best while three persons with you.
  • Visit a new place with four people.
  • Do farming with five people.
  • Participate in War with thousands of people.
achieve success
achieve success

Quotes about Integrity

Philosopher Chanakya says about the honesty of a person and the how the facts of treating honest person towards in every stage of life first as for how to Be Prepare before beginning any work

A Person who is too Honest in their every Session of life will spindle at any time and tighten by the hard situations to cross. Then he gives another accurate quote to get back from the issue as think before initiating any work 

  • Find the reasons to do the work, think about the Positive and negative side of the work and a how it will result, 
  • By thinking deeply and planning the perfect idea and time execution will get the answer for the question and to step ahead
  • Once the works get starts, shouldn’t be afraid to face the failure and relinquish, should overcome from that to reach success

How to hold the occasions to be the best?

When work begins to achieve the best position in life there are many Distractions will cross to disturb, confused and at the same time get motivated, more ideas. But everyone should be clear about the Difference between positive and Negative things.

Chanakya explain about the Life Facts to lead best as 

  • Sharing the Secrets is a very dangerous thing to destroy or manipulate ideas.
  • Don’t wait for the opportunity and time to do any work did it at the moment when it arises.

Being energetic will boost-up the ideas and being thoughtless will give reckless to the ideas and subjects. The Fragrance in the purity of speech will be energetic and goodness will Spread in all Directions.

How to execute the quality of goodness?

Every Person in the world will get familiar with their Actions. A Person with Knowledge and wealth possession it doesn’t matter, present a moment with when knowledge is applicable and where wealth is applicable.

  • Time is the only thing to crown a man and also a thing to destroy a man. 
  • Everyone shouldn’t worry about the past and fretful about the future deal gratifying with Present moment it gives discernment of life.

Balancing mind is the hardness thing to stabilize and that is the state of being happy. Being greed is the infirmity of life. Forgiveness is the biggest dignity in life.

Chanakya Quotes on Religion

A Single piece of flame from matchstick will demolish the whole forest, as by the same thing a Mischief maker son in a family destroys the whole family. God is not present in idols, a soul Feelings are the inner god, being a good soul to give the best to the Whole environment.

Being rich will determine by when who care kindly for all creatures from the deep of heart will overcome from all difficulties and will be awarded for every rich step by help of spiritual thoughts.

Be tainted when acquiring wealth may remain for a few years after when crossing the limit of a few years the Wealth will disappear as Original Stock 

A spirituality of life will determine by the cleanliness. The greatest personality with unclean garments, binge eater with dirty teeth, Sleeps after sunrise and speaks unkindly will lose the favor of opportunity in every stage of life.

How to Hidden Treasure?

The Great teacher Chanakya teaches how to be in the belonging situation as for how the hunter sings sweetly to get the desired time to shoot an animal. Don’t Pride in your charity, Scriptural knowledge, morality, modesty because is the rarest thing to heal by someone.

The beauty of a soul will be spoil by immoral nature, Utilize the wealth properly and learn perfectly to be good in nature. Being a baseman shouldn’t speak about the secret faults of others.

  • Characteristic of true wealth is when a man being honorable and noble. 
  • Power of everyone will get differ from each other as King’s Power determines by mighty arms, for a woman in her kind words and youthful beauty. Utilize the Beauty in the proper way to shine.

Time is unconquerable. Avoid who talks before you and tries to disintegration behind your back. Make a friendship in the state of equal to your thought and without self-interests will only give you happiness. Education is the best friend to get respected anywhere. 

How to be a final successful winner in Life?

A Word is the common conversation base for all human relations. Creatures are bone alone and die alone. Experience the good and bad thing in the Life Span.

A person who is with Sweet words will have no opponents. A Successful life has a collection of friends by a word and at the same time, a word will create haters for you. A Final winner is a person who is without hurting others and don’t get hurt by others.