How to Find Balance And Purpose In Your Life By Gaur Gopal Das

Gaur Gopal Gas
Gaur Gopal Gas

Well, Gaur Gopal Das, an enlightened and loved monk of this age, tells you something different about life. He says you to grow with the life rather than going through life.

Gaur Gopal Das Life’s Amazing secrets

Life is a journey or more particularly it is a cycle of birth and death. We go through various situations- happiness or hardships at different phases of life. Some people define it as a battle which you need to win. Each morning gives us a new battlefield to fight in a new way. It is a challenge that we need to face and accept.

But is life really such a boring thing? Is it really a battle where we should struggle to exist?

It is such a true word!

With each morning we are growing a little bit. Our age is increasing and so is our experience with each day in our life. Like a sapling which grows into a big tree, similarly, we should also grow into worthy human being.

But we all know it is not our way of living life. We keep on searching for happiness in things which cannot give us the same. So we look for the solution everywhere. In fact, we all are looking out for the motto of our life in every aspect.

About the author

Gaur Gopal Das gives us the solution in very simple ways. Let me put some light on the author. Though he is an electrical engineer, yet he chose a different aspect of life. He found the life of a monk preaching about contemporary psychology more satisfying.

Das is now preaching the words about life in modern age all around the world. Be it corporate life or the universities or charities, Gaur Gopal Das can help you come out of many entangled situations in life.

Besides writing books, you can also get his lessons over the online videos too.  He has been given the title of “The ideal young Spiritual guru” by the Indian student parliament, MIT.

The well-known book about life by Gaur Gopal Das

One of his well-known books on life is Life’s Amazing secret: How to find balance and purpose in your life.

This book can be of great help if you are earnestly looking for strong bonding relationships, exploring the life’s potential aspects, working with excellence and how to take and give back to this beautiful world.

As told in the earlier part of the article, Gaur Gopal Das takes us through an interesting and quite experiencing journey of the life. This Journey helps us to grow in life rather than going through life.

What the book is all about?

The book is entirely based on positive thought about life. It is the story or rather the conversation between Gaur Gopal das and one of his intimate friends in Mumbai when both of them are stuck at the traffic.

Though they were in the luxury Sedan of his rich friend, yet it similarizes the conversation between Arjuna and Krishna on the rath. When Harry, his friend was depressed and frustrated with his life, Das advices him on various sectors of life.

Corporate jobs, targets and deadline, financial burdens, family pressure, relationship, inflation, and so many others things. Das guided him through all these hurdles of life race and led him how to grow in life with all these hurdles.

It explains different situations of life which we cannot solve with our general thoughts. But a few different thinking and thoughts can bring in a great change in the life acceptance. So it creates a proper balance in life.

Few special things of the books that you may like

The best part of the book is that it is written in simple language which everyone can understand easily. The conversational writing also helps the reader to relate and find interest in the content.

It is like Gaur Gopal Das is speaking the words from the books itself. Even some the humor in the content make it interesting to read on.

Another thing that attracted many readers is the technique to deal with the problems of life. The book acts much like attending any spiritual workshops where you need to undergo few tasks.

The book also takes up some of the techniques to solve various issues that you are facing with your entangled life. There are two exercises given at the end of the book. If it is performed it can give you the answers about life which you may be looking for.

It is all about self-realization and changing the perspective of your viewpoint. If any such confusing question is making with irritable, then must read this book. The book is easily available over the online stores.

Get this book from any of the best known online stores at an affordable price range. You can also check out the other series of the books written by Gaur Gopal Das on other aspects and perspective of our life and surrounding. You may like them too for many issues.


Get your copy ordered and delivered now at your place. Place the order and get all the solution about your problems in life. At the day’s end, we all are looking for something that can at least give us some solution which helps us to grow.

You can also watch this Gaur Gopal Das motivational videos that truly motivate you.