Self-Improvement: How can I motivate myself to work hard?

motivate myself to work hard?
motivate myself to work hard

It’s easier said than done; here goes the famous adage.

Therefore, you would probably not give a second thought on it to disagree, because you know by now, that it is the ultimate truth. Self Improvement is what is essential in order to go on with the days of our lives.

While in life, on some days you are highly inspired to do a lot of things, and then there are days when you are just a sloth. Not because of laziness, but due to lack of inspiration.


 How can I motivate myself to work hard?
How can I motivate myself to work hard?

I would say, these are the times when you want to work, but you are unsure of what you are going to do. These are thus regarded as tough times and all you need to get yourself going is motivation. So how do you motivate yourself?

The following points are likely to help you get rid of this vicious cycle of inspiration and lack of it.

  • Go for smaller goals

It is obvious that you will have a bigger goal to achieve. But trust me; I would suggest you keep that for the long term. And divide that very goal into smaller ones. This will not only let you work on your goals properly but also achieve them and also get inspired for working more.

Dividing your goals and assessing them will give you a sense of accomplishment when you look at them together. Overall, it will also guide you along the path of achievement of your long-term goal. A feeling of progress is always great in the process of hard work.

  • Set a time limit

When I thought about how I can improve myself, I knew I did not have to work 24/7 in order to achieve my target. So, give yourself ample rest so that you get time to think about what you have done, how far you have reached and how far you have to go further.

time limit
time limit

Therefore, allow yourself to rest for the day once you are done with the day’s target. As I said, set smaller goals, it means the goals on a daily basis too. Take a day off after having achieved those smaller targets. It will refresh you in a positive way.

  • Work on your thought process

This is the best thing that I have learned while trying on how to motivate myself. I don’t think any work as hard work, and that is the key. It helps in getting things done even faster and in an effective way without getting demotivated.

It is very likely that you will get lethargic just in the starting if you think as your work to be hard for you. Therefore the best approach is to think that how good it shall feel after having done the work. And this has helped me a lot.

  • Make a habit of reading daily

You might be wondering about why have I included such a thing in the field of motivation, but you have got to try this. I don’t know whether you are already a bookworm or love reading or not, but I would tell you to try this if you are not so fond of reading. Doing something unusual is highly important. It will definitely create a long-lasting impact.

reading daily
reading daily

Well, I wasn’t much fond of reading from my childhood, except for the curriculum. But I always fascinated about the readers that why did they prefer reading so much. So, I didn’t know how to improve me back then, but when I was trying to motivate myself, meanwhile I thought to read a book. You will be surprised to know that I actually found interest, and have grown a habit now.

  • Do not care about petty things

They are a part of life and they will keep happening. But how do you decide on what’s petty and what’s not? Well, work on your thought process as I mentioned earlier. This will guide you to sort out what’s required and what’s not. Don’t run after things that are not going to serve you good.

In case you have a goal set, try to keep your focus on that, and avoid anything that you think is taking you away from the goal. Do small meaningful things, only when they help you in accomplishing the larger goal. Always keep one thing in mind that is why you set that goal in the first place.

  • Avoid second thoughts

There’s a saying ‘just do it’ and I am a firm believer of it. I would suggest you to just let go of certain things in life and let things happen in their way. You cannot hold on to anything for long, it will start to ache. Therefore, do whatever gives you happiness. This will give you the extra energy to work for your goals.

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  • Celebrate

We often forget to celebrate our achievements. But that shouldn’t be the case. We worked for this day for so long, and what we do at last is that we set another target and start working for that all over again. But wait.

Is our success really not worth a celebration, after all the hard times that we put ourselves through all this time? Ask this to yourself. There is a no bigger thing than achieving something which you have dreamy for so long, therefore do not forget to celebrate that.

celebrate achievements
celebrate achievements

Well, as I already said at the beginning of this article of ways to motivate yourself, I mentioned that it is somewhat easier to say things than to actually do them in real life. But certainly, there are ways which I have personally implemented and found better results and helped me in working harder.  And I hope they will help you too.