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Before You Give Up Watch This | by Jay Shetty

Published on 14 Jun 2018 / In Motivational

Before You Give Up Watch This | by Jay Shetty
In the various journey that we undergo in our life there comes a point in everyone's life where he/she feel like giving up. so many of us give up before they start but in this motivational video Jay Shetty shares that never give up on your idea or your dream even when nobody else believes they can come true but you. He shares that how Edison was criticized by the other fellow scientist when he gave the idea of a light bulb but he never gave up and at the end illuminated the whole world, he shares other examples that how continues effort on their ideas imparted a positive impact on the world and changed it. Never give up maybe your idea can change the world too and always remember that your idea will live longer than you.
A winner is just a loser that tried one more time.

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