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Everyone Has a Different Clock: Wait for Your Time by jay shetty

Published on 09 Jul 2018 / In Motivational

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves because we treat life as a race. But life is no race when we see others getting successful while we are still struggling this breaks us and eventually we start treating ourselves as a failure. The biggest mistake we make is to judge our life based on others life. Everyone has a different clock which plays out just the way it's supposed to.
As Jay Shetty mentioned in the video, Jk Rowling, who wrote Harry Potter, was rejected by publishers until age 32! Jack Ma didn’t even start Ali Baba until he was 35. Morgan Freeman didn’t get his big break until he was 52 years old.
So we have to be patient and follow our passion to create a meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling life.

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