Negative Thoughts Are Like Demon Rakt Beej? | by Anandmurti Gurumaa

Published on 09 Sep 2018 / In Spiritual

Anandmurti Gurumaa shares an interesting story from the Markendeya Purana, once there was a very powerful demon known as Rakta Beej who had acquired a boon that he could duplicate himself as soon as his drop of blood touched the Earth. Due to this boon, the Gods were unable to bring the demon under control. Hence, Shakti in the form of Goddess Durga was summoned to kill the demon.
In this video revered master, Anandmurti Gurumaa puts an analogy and depict stillness or sadhna as Durga and negative thoughts are depicted as the demon when you try to kill one thought using sadhna they multiply into larger thoughts and at the end, we lose.

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