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Inside the mind of a master procrastinator by Tim Urban

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 20 Mar 2019 / In Inspirational

What is Procrastination? It is basically, you telling your self that you will do some thing later on. When you decide to let the moment go off your hands and wait for another opportunity to come, then you are definitely telling your self that you cannot do this at the moment as you believe that you are incapable. You do not have confidence in your self, you don't believe in your self. When you procrastinate on the moment, you loose your energy for the moment, you loose your will for the moment, you loose your resources for that moment. Every moment in which you procrastinate, on your self, you give your competitors a chance to over ride you, you give others a chance to prove themselves, while you just sit back and watch, you give them a chance to push you behind.
Many people nowadays, tend to go by the fact that they have plenty of time in their pockets, and can do the stuff later on without any loss, but the real fact is that:
You Think You Have Plenty of Time.
A moment ago, you thought of pushing the task to other time, that moment you lost the battle.
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