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Power of a happy mind - Life changing motivational video by Sandeep Maheshwari

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 26 Dec 2018 / In Motivational

We have often heard from our elders and relative or from our care free friends a line:
Haste Khelte Raho
But, have you ever thought that what is the significance of this statement? Have you ever wondered the logic behind the statement? Well, the logic is simple, yet effective. If your mind is healthy and happy then it will act as a power house of positivity. If you have a positive mindset, then you can easily manage your self and a positive mind set will also help you in many adverse situations. If you ever find your self stuck in an unfavorable situation, then your positive mindset will help you in over coming the situation.
If you are always happy, then your perspective to look at things changes as well, instead of focusing on the problems, you start focusing on its solution, instead of focusing on someone's de merits you start to focus on their merits. Instead of pondering and thinking about all the difficulties faced in your life you start to remember and cherish all the moments of joy, bliss and happiness.
A happy mind, makes a happy person; and happiness is actually the key to success, because if you are happy your productivity increases to 100% in any task.

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