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How to Decide a Goal for Your Life?? | By Sadhguru

Published on 20 Jul 2018 / In Motivational

How to Decide a Goal for Your Life?? | By Sadhguru
Throughout our lives, we have to constantly make some big decisions that completely shape our future circumstances. And these decisions not only shape our future instead determine the sort of person we become.
In this video, Sadhguru tells us to spend a little more amount of time while making the big decisions and advice to avoid making the decisions in hurry or out of desperation, desperate goals will mean a lot to you at that moment but after some time you will think that why you are tangled up with this.
So make decisions only when you are peaceful, happy and clear-minded and ask yourself "will it mean to you after 25 years?" If your answer is yes then go for it without any doubt.

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