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Benifits of Helping Others - By Sandeep Maheshwari

Anshika Gupta
Published on 26 Oct 2018 / In Motivational

This video by Sandeep Maheshwari enlists the benefits of helping oneself before being available to others and having a regret for it later on. Making selfless approaches regarding helping others gives us a sense of content, all along helping us become a better individual than before. He talks about people complaining about the deceitful and treacherous treatment they receive when they demand a positive response in return of their selfless deeds. Despite having a willful decision of whether to help someone it leads people towards a self-destructive conclusion. Becoming less considerate about what we get and making small and effective steps towards others and later on revere this for aeons to come. He shares an incident where he catches up with a poor kid at a traffic signal the kid demands money in return of the flower he fixes near the viper of his car. He gets to the other side of the road, being followed by the kid, steps out and takes him to a confectioner and asks him to eat whatever he wants because his conscience made him feel the urge of realising the masterminds of this whole setup, the mafias. So the kid orders and has his fill. This feeling of contentment makes the speaker realise that even the puniest of approaches of selflessly helping others is actually luscious and tempting feelings which fill our soul. He sums upon a note of self-realisation, asking the audience to simultaneously breathe in and out and conform to their mental and physical well being.

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