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Tough times never last, But Tough People Do - How to handle Tough times in life

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 04 May 2019 / In Inspirational

For somebody going through tough times, for somebody struggling just to keep your head above water, you're trying but things don't seem to be quite working out the way you planned. You thought you'd be in a different place at this season in your life. But you're still suffering. You have no say-so in what happens to you. But you have a say-so in what you do about it. You have a determining voice into where your life can go. See life is 10% what happens to you, it's 90% what you do about it. You get a setback, you get thrown off course, and you lost your mama, that's dirt. But show me something that has grown into something beautiful that didn't have any dirt on it. You need dirt on you to develop. Because dirt isn’t just dirt, dirt is fertilizer, dirt is nutrient, and dirt gives you the strength for your seed to push through. You got to have dirt on you to push through something. Everything that you see that's beautiful starts out as a seed. But that seed got to get dirt on it. You've got to have dirt on you to grow into what life got for you.

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