The power of 7 Chakras in Human Body
Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column, and all the seven chakras are connected to the various organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also known as Qi or Praana.
Whenever a chakra is disrupted or blocked, the life energy also gets blocked, leading to the onset of mental and health ailments. When the harmonious balance of the seven chakras is disrupted or damaged, it can cause several problems in our lives, including our physical health, emotional health and our mental state of mind.
Being fully aware of all the seven chakras, their respective colours and the organs they impact will help you notice the improvements you can bring in your body through all the various methods of awakening and fortifying these chakras. You can easily create a harmonious balance within your life by influencing your seven chakras to stay mentally, emotionally and physically healthy, along with channelling improvements in your personal and professional lives.
Let us learn more about the 7 Chakras!