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How to Practically Apply the Bhagavad Gita In Daily Life | Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomay

Published on 17 Jul 2018 / In Satsang

How to Practically Apply the Teachings of Bhagavad Geeta In Daily Life | by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda
Many of us read Bhagavad Geeta to improve our life but we apply almost nothing of it in the real life, practical application of the values taught in Bhagwad Gita in our daily lives can be very rewarding. So in this video, Swami Tejomayananda shares his view on the topic of application of Bhagavad Geeta in real life he says that when knowledge sinks in and is really absorbed, then it automatically comes into play in our life. Further, he adds that there is no gap between knowledge and its practical application. When knowledge is not assimilated, then this contradiction becomes evident and we think that I know something but do not know how to apply it to my life.
Then he tries to elaborate this through an example which goes this way imagine that you are given a glass of milk and just as you are about to drink it but someone tells you that it is poisoned. Naturally, you will immediately refrain from drinking the milk. In this case, your knowledge has been assimilated and there is an immediate application of it.
However, this is not the case in all other aspects. For instance, when we understand from the Scriptures or the Guru that happiness is not in objects, we appreciate it but are not completely convinced. Therefore, there is no application of it in our daily life.

Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda - Global Head of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide has given a talk on 'Practical Application of the Bhagavad Geeta in the Daily Life' on 2nd Sept 2007. At the end of the talk, Guruji has answered a few questions from the participants.

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