Effect of Shame & Empathy on our life by Dr. Brené Brown
We live in a society, where we are told constantly to have shame in our eyes, have respect for elders and think twice before saying any thing to the ones’ who are older to us. The feeling of shame and empathy are two feelings that people face the most in their day to day lives, but the major problem is that no one discusses about it. No one ever thought that what effect does shame and empathy causes on our day to day lives. When we are constantly facing the feeling of shame in front of others then a sense of hesitation also indulges in our nature, which can cause problems in any one's life easily.
Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. The feeling of empathy, constructs us, helps us in developing our selves in to a better human being, one who can under stand the situation of others.
In an excerpt from her new psycho educational shame resilience curriculum, University of Houston researcher and educator Brené Brown discusses the destructive nature of shame and the healing power of empathy.