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Try To Be Hungry | inspirational Short Story |

Published on 16 May 2018 / In Motivational

Be Hungry | by beats reloaded
The video tells us that always follow your heart whenever there's argument between your heart and mind go with your heart if you want to do something and that seems to be unrealistic but there's something inside your heart which says that you can do it so follow your heart it would be hard but if you do the thing which you love to do then it will seem easy.And if you'll simply go after that thing that you want, with all of your capacity, strength, and sagacity, faith, hope, and confidence, ... With the help of God... You'll get it...."
You have to be hungry to learn all your life you have to be hungry for the knowledge, to do something uncommon people that are hungry do things that others won't do these people are unstoppable we have to be hungry, don't satisfy with your current situation try to learn more try to push your limits try to do something different something uncommon.
Satisfaction of your current situation stops your growth whereas hunger helps you in your growth.
Don't be one of those people who just dream and then doesn't try to make it happen be one of those who put there all to get there dreams realized.

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