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Success Story Of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson - From Depressed To World Icon

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 10 May 2019 / In Motivational

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is known as one of Hollywood's tough guys and top earners, but he recently shed light on his battle with depression over the years.
As a teenager, Johnson watched his parents struggle to afford the basics as they were evicted from their apartment and got their car repossessed.
He was 15 when he watched his mother, Ata, walked into oncoming traffic shortly after they were evicted from their apartment.
He said he was able to pull her from the highway but then sunk into several years of depression that were made more difficult by injuries that halted his would-be football career and a breakup with a girlfriend.
Finding inner strength prevented him from becoming suicidal like his mother. He's now using their experiences to try and help others.
Are you feeling down and empty with all hopes lost, or maybe you are having a bad day. Are you feeling depressed and full of anxiety on a daily basis, or you’re feeling like a complete failure? Do you need that spark of inspiration that will make you stand of that couch and stop feeling sorry for yourself?
In this video we provide the real life story of Dwayne Johnson.

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