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Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's Four Rules For Success

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 31 May 2019 / In Motivational

Everyone wants to achieve certain goals and have certain ambitions in their life. Everyone wants to embark themselves on a journey of self satisfaction and self improvement, a journey that gives them confidence, a journey that gives them a purpose, a way to achieve all that they want. Everyone wants to improve themselves, so that they can get whatever they are longing for and eventually go where ever they wanted to go in life. The path that is followed, the journey that is done and the road that is travelled are some of the important things, apart from the mindset of the person and their motivation for the successful completion and achievement of the said goal.
Whenever a person follows a path, for self improvement, there are certain rules that must be followed; there are certain duties which must be fulfilled, in order to go where ever one wants to head off.
So, now questions like what are those rules? How can one follow them? Do they guarantee success? Must be coming in to your mind. Well, we have answers to all these questions in this video, in which Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam talks about 4 rules that will help you succeed in life.

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