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Be a Good Person

Dharmesh Patel
Published on 29 Aug 2018 / In Kids

Being a good person does not depend on your religion or status in life, your race or skin color, political views or culture. It depends on how good you treat others.
Fairness is important. It takes place in all our lives. If we did not have fairness our lives would be crazy. Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out. Fairness is very important in a community. Everyone needs to follow the rules, be respectful of one another and work together to build a strong and beautiful community. They can do this by getting together in a friendly way to solve problems and make rules that are fair to everyone. It should be important to a person to act with fairness. If you do this people will respect and trust you. People will know that you are nice and they will want to be your friend. You will have a better opportunity to live a wonderful life.
Rupa keeps passing comments on everyone in her society. Her friend has pinpointed this behavior multiple times but all in vain. Watch this short animated video to see how this negative trait of Rupa’s changes.

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