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Why Meditation is Important for us?

Purvi Aggarwal
Published on 31 Mar 2020 / In Inspirational

Meditation is an ancient practice that helps to control our own mind and consequently our own life and discover ourselves.

Meditation can help us to eliminate negative thoughts, worries, anxiety, all factors that can prevent us feeling happy.
It has been proved that the practice of meditation, carried out on a regular basis, will mitigate the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

If we make a habit of meditating, we feel mentally fresh and we are able to deal with difficult situations more easily.
To meditate it’s not necessary to be a Buddhist, Hindu or practice any religion, in fact, meditation has nothing to do with religion.

Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.


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