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The Clever Rabbit

Dharmesh Patel
Published on 29 Aug 2018 / In Kids

The pride of a lion made all the animals in the animal kingdom decide to make a sacrifice in order to fulfill the lion’s hunger.
A clever rabbit however found a way out to save his life. Watch this animated video to see how pride and foolishness are close companions and how the lion eventually suffers the consequences of his own pride.
Pride comes before the fall, so stay humble. Pride will cost you everything but leave you with nothing. So, swallow your pride, it is not giving up, it is growing up!
Being clever is not a curse. Cleverness is often how you come across to other people, how quick you are at analyzing and acting in situations, and how clever or creative your ideas are. Being clever can help you come up with strategies and tactics to deal with multiple situations in your day to day life. Remember, be clever, but also be kind, always be a good person in whatever you are doing. To be clever is good, but to be a good person – that is everything!

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