Discipline begins with Punctuality

Dharmesh Patel
Published on 27 Aug 2018 / In Kids

Discipline is the very essence of life and Punctuality is an important part of disciplined living. Punctuality means arriving or doing things at the appointed time, neither early nor late. Time, like tide, waits for none, nor can it be kept in store for future use. Therefore, in order to live a meaningful life, one must make the best use of time; and the only way to make the best use of it is to be punctual. The habit of punctuality should be acquired step by step. Youth is the time of one's life to acquire this valuable habit. Once this good habit is acquired, it hardly goes away. It becomes a part and parcel of one's nature. If a student is conscious about the value of punctuality, he should complete his home work, and prepare his lessons in due time, and then only it will be easy for him to cope with the progress of his class lessons in the school. He must get up early in the morning, take his meals in due time, and attend school punctually.
Watch the video to know how being punctual can affect the smallest of things even though your work is of higher value.

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