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Shiv Tandav Stotram

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 21 Dec 2018 / In Spiritual

Shiv Tandav Strota depicts, the magnificence and grandeur of Shiva, that Shiva, who has long garlands of the snake king at the neck which is purified by the flow of dribbling water drops in the forest like twisted hair locks, who dances on the fierce Tandava dance to the music of a sounding drum, may bless us to health and prosperity. At every moment, may I find pleasure in Shiva, whose head is situated in between the creeper like unsteady waves of Ganga, in whose head unsteadily fire is fuming the like twisted hair locks, who has crackling and blazing fire at the surface of forehead, and who has a crescent moon at the fore head. May my mind seeks happiness in Shiva, whose mind has the shining universe and all the living beings inside, who is the charming supportive friend of the daughter of the mountain king of the Earth, whose un interrupted series of merciful glances conceals immense troubles, and who has direction as his clothes. May my mind hold in Shiva, by whom with the light from the jewels of the shining hoods of creeper like yellow snakes the face of Dikkanyas’ are smeared with Kadamba juice like red kumkuma, who looks dense due to the glittering skin garment of an intoxicated elephant, and who is the Lord of the ghosts.

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