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Panchakshari Mantra | Powerful Shiv Mantra to Radiate Positive Energy

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 16 May 2019 / In Bhajans


नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय
भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय ।
नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै न_काराय नमः शिवाय ॥१॥

नन्दीश्वरप्रमथनाथमहेश्वराय ।
तस्मै म_काराय नमः शिवाय ॥२॥

शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जवृन्द_
सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय ।
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय
तस्मै शि_काराय नमः शिवाय ॥३॥


1.1: (I meditate on Shiva) Who has the King of Snakes as His Garland and Who has Three Eyes, 1.2: (I meditate on Shiva) Whose Body is Smeared with Sacred Ashes and Who is the Great Lord, 1.3: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is Eternal, Who is ever Pure and Who has the Four Directions as His Clothes ( signifying that He is ever Free ), 1.4: Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Na", The first syllable of the Panchakshara mantra "Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya"

2.1: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is Worshipped with Waters from the River Mandakini and Smeared with Sandal Paste, 2.2: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is the Lordof Nandi and of the Ghosts and Goblins; Who is the Great Lord, 2.3: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is Worshipped with Mandara and Manyother Flowers, 2.4: Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Ma", The second syllable of the Panchakshara mantra "Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya".

3.1: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is Auspicious and Who is like the SunCausing the Lotus-Face of Gauri (Devi Parvati) to Blossom, 3.2: (I meditate on Shiva) Who is the Destroyer of the Sacrifice (Yagnya) of Daksha, 3.3: (I meditate on Shiva) Who has a Blue Throat and has a Bull as His Emblem, 3.4: Salutations to that Shiva, Who is represented by syllable "Shi", The third syllable of the Panchakshara mantra "Na-Ma-Shi-Va-Ya".

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