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12 Surya Namaskar Mantra - Makar Sankranti Special | Lord Surya Devotion

Vaaruni Agarwal
Published on 14 Jan 2019 / In Festivals & Events

There will be no life on the earth without the sun, and the Surya Namaskaras or the Sun Salutations, as they are popularly called, are an ancient method of showing gratitude or paying respect to the sun that is the source of all forms of life on the earth.
The ancient yogis say that the different parts of the body are governed by different devas or divine impulses of light. The Surya Namaskaras are a complete body workout.
Chants called Sun Salutation Mantras may accompany the Surya Namaskar. These chants bring harmony in body, breath and the mind. As the practice deepens, so do the benefits. When chanted with sincere gratitude, these mantras can take the practice to an enhanced spiritual level.

The 12 Surya Namaskar Mantras or the chants that one must recite while the act of Surya Namaskar are as follows:
Om Mitraya Namah
Om Ravaye Namah
Om Suryaya Namah
Om Bhanave Namah
Om Khagaya Namah
Om Poosne Namah
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
Om Marichaya Namah
Om Adityaya Namah
Om Savitre Namah
Om Arkaya Namah
Om Bhaskaraya Namah

On the occasion of Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan we present before you these 12 Surya Namskara chants, which have their own significance.

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