Who Created God ?

Purvi Aggarwal
Published on 10 Jun 2020 / In Activism

⁣On the off chance that something appears, it more likely than not been incited by something different. A book has a writer. Music has a music craftsman. A gathering hosts a get-together hurler! Everything that start, that have a beginning, have a reason to their start.

Think about the universe. Researchers once held to the "consistent state" hypothesis, that the universe has consistently existed without starting.

Cosmological proof presently alludes to the "Huge explosion" as the point in time that the universe appeared. Our space-time-matter-vitality universe had an unmistakable and solitary start.

Since it didn't generally exist, yet appeared (had a particular start), at that point some other reality more likely than not caused or made it.

Credit/Source:- ⁣https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvUApP4KXJM

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