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Mero Radha Ramana | Kirtan Sessions

Published on 29 Apr 2019 / In Bhajans

Kirtan is devotion in the form of music. In the relationship between the Lover and Beloved, there exists only one experience, only one motivation, and only one reality – Just Love.
KIRTAN SESSIONS is dedicated to showcasing the Lover and the Beloved. Join them as they make the pilgrimage to the heart of Love.

Mero radha raman giridhari
Giridhari shyam banwari

Govind Mero hai gopala mero hai
Sri banke bihari nandalala mero hai
Govinda Mero hai gopala mero hai
Jai Sri Giridhari nandalala mero hai

Tapta Kanchana Gaurangi
Radhe Vrindavaneshwari
Vrishabhanu Sute Devi
Pranamami Hari Priye

Mero Radha Raman Giridhari
Giridhari shyam banwari

Mero Radha Raman Giridhari

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