Agam - Kaalbhairav Ashtakam

Purvi Aggarwal
Published on 15 Apr 2020 / In Motivational

⁣The entire universe and its beings revolve on the wheel of time or Kaalachakra that is ruled by Kaala Bhairava. Composed by Adi Shankaracharya, the Kaala Bhairava Ashtakam is a powerful stotra or hymn that glorifies the Bhairava aspect of Lord Shiva.

Chanting the Kaala Bhairava Ashtakam daily brings peace to the mind, shields from misfortunes and makes one healthier and wealthier.

Kaala Bhairava removes all obstacles and negativities of the devotees. He dispels sorrow, delusion, meekness, anger, restlessness while instilling dynamism, spiritual progress, and auspiciousness.

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