7 Mysterious Facts of Women Naga Sadhus
In this video we present you 7 facts about the life of women naga sadhus. The naga sadhus come to dip in the holy waters especially during the Kumbh Mela. They form a separate Akhara and males and females can both be the members of the Naga sadhus akhara. They can be seen in their clans, here are some interesting facts about female naga sadhus.
Before becoming a naga sadhu a women must end all kinds of relationships with the family members and relatives. She has to follow strict rules for 6 -12 years.
The woman being a priest before becoming a regular nun has to do her own last rites of pindi daan and shradh.
Naga woman before her tonsure to a naga sadhu is made to bath in the holy river.
She has to prove that she just wants to stay in devotion to God.
Before becoming a naga sadhu a women must end all kinds of relationships with the family members and relatives. She has to follow strict rules for 6 -12 years.
They are addressed as Maa or mother by the fellow sadhus and female sadhus as well.
They lead a simple life free from all worldly desires in the worship of the God.