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Ek Onkar Shabad Gurbani by Miss Pooja

Published on 08 Jan 2019 / In Sufism

This symbol ੴ pronounced Ek Onkar is the symbol that is used to represents the "One Supreme Reality" or "One God." It's the icon that starts the holy text which was first written by Guru Nanak and this is the symbol that appears at the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib.

Ek onkar satnam kartapurakh
Nirmoh nirvair akaal murat
Ajuni sabham
Guru parsad jap aad sach jugaad sach
Hai bhi sach nanak hose bhi sach
Soche soch na ho wai
Jo sochi lakh waar
Chhupe chhup na howai

Je laai har lakhtaar
Ukhiya pukh na utari
Je banna puriya paar
Sahasyanpa lakh woh hai
Ta ek na chale naal
Ke ve sach yaara hoi ae
Ke ve kude tutte paal
Hukum rajai chalna nanak likheya naal.

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