Don't Be Afraid to Fail Big, To Dream Big - Denzel Washington

Published on 15 Jun 2018 / In Motivational

Don't Be Afraid to Fail Big, To Dream Big - Denzel Washington
In this motivational video actor, Denzel Washington delivers an inspiring speech about the necessity of failing in order to grow and achieve greatness.
Washington's speech had heavy religious overtones and was well-received among those in attendance at the historically black university in New Orleans. Washington admitted some of his own imperfections as he doled out the advice, telling graduates that 40 years ago he was flunking out of college, with a 1.7 GPA. "I hope none of you can relate," he joked. Washington ultimately earned a bachelor's in Drama and Journalism from Fordham University in New York.
While he encouraged graduates to aspire to great things, Washington reminded them, "In this text, tweet, twerk world that you've grown up in, remember that just because you're doing a lot more, doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done."

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