Sadhguru Inspirational Story: How To Manage Your Mind?

Sadhguru inspirational story
Sadhguru inspirational story

Success is something that is aspired by each and everyone. But it is obvious that all of us cannot achieve it that easily. Success comes too easily to some while some to pay a certain cost to have it. In some ways or other, our thinking affects this in a lot of ways.

How To Manage Your Mind By Sadhguru

Jaggu Vasudev, more famous by name Sadhguru has put forward some theories which will surely help you out to manage your mind since mind controls everything. Isha foundation was established by him. He runs several yoga programmes around the world in order to inspire people to gain control over mind and to concentrate.

Sadhguru Biography

He is highly involved in several social programmes and in several initiatives regarding environment and education. His works also got published in several books. Health, religion, spirituality, faith are the major topic he got expertise. How to gain success, how to overcome obstacles of life, how to use the mind in a proper way are some of his notable works which he put forward in order to inspire people.

Here are some crucial points from Sadhguru inspirational story to be understood in order to achieve success in respective fields.

Live with a target and forget about the luck factor

To be successful in life the first thing you should do is to have a fixed goal and don’t stop until you achieve that goal. Hard work along with utmost concentration will lead you to success.

Luck is a chance factor. As per the inspirational story if you wait for your luck to bring success then you will achieve it when you are in the grave as it takes time. Moreover, if you wait for your luck to do a favour on you then you may also have to deal with fear and anxiety.

Don’t let failure bother you

If someone is committed towards their goal then even failure can’t stop their way. A man willing to attain success should take failure as a step toward success and learn from it. Falling down always teaches something and that will take you a step forward.

Do read failure stories of famous persons and gain inspiration. All you need to do is to organize your emotions in a positive way

Be particular with your aspirations

Be clear with your goals. Don’t let confusion bother you. You may walk over everything if your vision is not clear. Sadhguru inspirational story justifies life with a coin. Flip the coin, if head then one way and if tail then other. There is no both or in-between.

You can either decide to be a doctor or pilot and do not keep any other work on this earth. Human needs clarity to be successful, not confidence.

Don’t go by calculations

First, know who you are and then dream accordingly. There is no point in aspiring greatness beyond your limits. To be successful, do focus on yourself. Doing over your limits don’t prove you a great human being.

Drop the calculations from your head be true to your dreams be it small or large. Enhance your capabilities in your own respective field.

Yoga helps in your way to success

To be successful, the first thing you need is a sound mental and physical health. Yoga helps to keep your mind relaxed and stressed free along with body fitness. One can gain an appreciable amount of motivation just by practicing yoga on a daily basis.

Between shoulder blades and regions above, neurological and energy system branches out. Thus by practicing neck yoga’s for 3-4 minutes each day, one can gain more alertness along with sufficient amount of energy regeneration.

Moreover, yoga also aids with improved memory power, intellectual sharpness along with the next level of neuronal regeneration.

Have a clasp on people and things you dislike

Different kinds of identities are often required in order to handle different situations coming in the way. For this, you need to be fluid so that you can gracefully from one to another situation. This way you can overcome all the possible hurdles in your way.

Sadhguru inspirational story tells not to make personality a rigid one like a rock. This may lead to sufferings and you may not fit into your ambit. Learn new things, mix with new peoples and learn good things from them.

Be full of energy along with calmness

To do something great at first you need to feel great. The prowess of body and mind are the fundamental needs to be successful. The harness to mind can only be removed by equanimity. Joyful mind provides more access to your minds in different dimensions. Without happiness, the ability of the mind becomes highly reduced.

However, calmness in behaviour is also required. Both physiologically and internally one should be calm as that will help to focus. Only when energies are ebullient you have the ability to overcome any obstacle of everyday’s life.

Happiness along with calmness brings a superpower and will ultimately lead towards a successful life.


Above mentioned are few things from the Sadhguru inspirational story you can go through for inspiration to have a perfectly successful life.